Uxbridge - Sutton Street Culvert Replacement, Contract No. 2020-18

Required for the replacement of the Sutton Street Culvert, and the reconstruction of the roadway. The work includes removing the existing twin 32” corrugated metal pipes (CMP) and replacing it with new twin 48" RCP pipes, cast-in-place concrete wingwalls and headwalls, riprap, control of water, excavation, milling and resurfacing, geometric improvements, stream and wetland restoration and replication, installation of guardrail, signing, pavement markings and the provision of safety controls and signing for construction operations and other incidental items included in the contract documents necessary to complete the Project.


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 4/12/24 10:00am

Company & Contacts

BETA Group, Inc.
Todd Warzecki  
(401) 333-2382


Town of Uxbridge, Massachusetts


All Bids Due on 04/12/24 at 10:00 AM.


For Printed Sets, NON-REFUNDABLE checks should be made out to Accent Printing. Complete sets only.

Printed sets can be picked up at Accent Printing, 99 Chelmsford Road, (Rear #13) No. Billerica 01862 after an order is placed.

Shipping via UPS is additional.